Ogden Car Wash, Wilmington, NC

Ogden Car Wash (910) 279-3681

7411 Market St., Wilmington, NC 28411
Your patronage helps us support these local causes and organizations.  
From all of us at Ogden Car Wash, and those that we are lucky enough to be able to help...THANK YOU! 
Indo Jax® Surf Charities is committed to empowering disadvantaged, medically fragile and special needs children by exposing them to the ocean environment and teaching them to surf. We believe that the ocean and learning to surf has profound healing properties and can build self esteem in children with special needs. We provide these surf camps at no charge to the participants. Children who participate in our surf program inevitably move from a feeling of skepticism and reluctance around the ocean to empowerment and confidence, a sense that if... "I can do this, I can do anything!"
Every day, we hear extraordinary stories from grateful patients about the care and compassion demonstrated by physicians, nurses and staff at New Hanover Regional Medical Center.  Making a gift in honor of a caregiver who made a memorable impression on you or a loved one while at NHRMC will celebrate the special care you received, while ensuring that NHRMC has the resources to continue excellent patient care for future generations. 
Since 1978, GHA Autism Supports has served individuals from across North Carolina with Autism Spectrum Disorder.  
GHA Autism Supports provides quality, community services to meet the unique needs of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
In 2005, the owner of Intracoastal Realty, Jim Wallace established the "Teacher's Fund" to help local public and private kindergarten-through-5th-grade school teachers buy the supplies and books they so desperately need.  To date, the Teacher's Fund has awarded over 900 grants in excess of $230,000 and benefitting more than 105,000 students.
Since 1972, the Autism Society of North Carolina has provided summer camp recreational opportunities for individuals with autism. In 1997, the Autism Society of North Carolina opened Camp Royall, a 133-acre facility located near Pittsboro.
Through the transformative experience of surfing, Surfers Healing attains greater mainstream acceptance for both the families of and the kids living with autism.People seem to have a lot of pre-conceived ideas about what kids with autism can or can't do. We're here to change those notions forever. Surfers Healing has spent the last fifteen years taking children with autism surfing. Our goal is to help foster the understanding and acceptance of autism.
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Ogden Car Wash 7411 Market St., Wilmington, NC 28411 (910) 279-3681
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